Consultation and Supervision

Are you looking for Consultation or Supervison?

Consultation and Supervision for Therapists, New Hope Counseling in Louisville KY

LCSW Supervision
New Hope Counseling currently offers LCSW supervision. Tina Taylor providesthis service. She has been working as an LCSW for over 25 years and am also an LMFT. New Hope Counseling values the importance of helping build competent new professionals to the field. I would be happy to meet with you to discuss any questions you may have, what you would like from supervision, any agency requirements, etc.

EMDR Consultation
New Hope Counseling also offers EMDR consultation. Tina Taylor is an EMDR Consultant, training coach, and mentor. She offers both group and individual for gaining certification, becoming a consultant or to grow in your EMDR skills.

IFS Informed EMDR


Tina Taylor is an Assistant Trainer for IFS Informed EMDR training through Syzygy. She is an IFS Informed EMDR Consultant who can help you toward certification in this model of therapy. She is a level 2 trained IFS therapist and an EMDR Consultant/ Certified Therapist.

Current Fees for all supervision and consultation are $100 for individual and $50 for group supervision hours.

Contact us today for more information or to get started!